CRISPRi dCas9-KRAB pRDKCCH-CMV-dCas9-KRAB-2A-Hygro (plasmid) Reference: SVKRABC9H-PS €0.00 (tax incl.)
CRISPRi dCas9-KRAB pRDKCRB-RSV-dCas9-KRAB-2A-Blast (plasmid) Reference: SVKRABC9RB-PS €0.00 (tax incl.)
CRISPRi dCas9-KRAB pRDKCRB-RSV-dCas9-KRAB-2A-Blast (virus) Reference: SVKRABC9RB-VS €0.00 (tax incl.)
CRISPRi dCas9-KRAB pRDKCSFB-SFFV-dCas9-KRAB-2A-Blast (plasmid) Reference: SVKRABC9SFB-PS €0.00 (tax incl.)
CRISPRi dCas9-KRAB pRDKCSFB-SFFV-dCas9-KRAB-2A-Blast (virus) Reference: SVKRABC9SFB-VS €0.00 (tax incl.)
CRISPRa dCas9-VPH pRDVCE2B-EFS-dCas9-VPH-2A-Blast (plasmid) Reference: SVVPHC9E2B-PS €0.00 (tax incl.)
CRISPRa dCas9-VPH pRDVCSFB-SFFV-dCas9-VPH-2A-Blast (plasmid) Reference: SVVPHC9SFB-PS €0.00 (tax incl.)
CRISPRa dCas9-VPH pRDVCSFB-SFFV-dCas9-VPH-2A-Blast (virus) Reference: SVVPHC9SFB-VS €0.00 (tax incl.)
CRISPR pRSGT16-U6Tet-(xx)-CMV-TetRep-2A-RFP-2A-Puro (linearized) Reference: SVCRU6T16-L €0.00 (tax incl.)
CRISPR pRSGT16Bla-U6Tet-(xx)-CMV-TetRep-2A-RFP-2A-Blast (linearized) Reference: SVCRU6T16B-L €0.00 (tax incl.)
CRISPR pRSGT17-U6Tet-(xx)-CMV-TetRep-2A-GFP-2A-Puro (linearized) Reference: SVCRU6T17-L €0.00 (tax incl.)
CRISPR pRSGTEBleo-U6Tet-(xx)-EF1-TetRep-2A-Bleo (linearized) Reference: SVCRU6TEBleo-L €0.00 (tax incl.)
tTA (Dox-Off) Expression Vector with Hygro (pTTAH-SFFV-tTA-UBC-Hygro) Reference: SVTTAH-P €0.00 (tax incl.)
tTA (Dox-Off) Expression Vector with Puro (pTTAP-SFFV-tTA-UBC-Puro) Reference: SVTTAP-P €0.00 (tax incl.)
rtTA (Dox-On) Expression Vector with Hygro (pRTTAH-SFFV-rtTA-UBC-Hygro) Reference: SVRTTAH-P €0.00 (tax incl.)
rtTA (Dox-On) Expression Vector with Puro (pRTTAP-SFFV-rtTA-UBC-Puro) Reference: SVRTTAP-P €0.00 (tax incl.)
tTA (Dox-Off) Expression Vector with Hygro (pTTAH-SFFV-tTA-UBC-Hygro, virus) Reference: SVTTAH-V €0.00 (tax incl.)
tTA (Dox-Off) Expression Vector with Blast (pTTAP-SFFV-tTA-UBC-Puro, virus) Reference: SVTTAP-V €0.00 (tax incl.)
rtTA (Dox-On) Expression Vector with Hygro (pRTTAH-SFFV-rtTA-UBC-Hygro, virus) Reference: SVRTTAH-V €0.00 (tax incl.)
rtTA (Dox-On) Expression Vector with Puro (pRTTAP-SFFV-rtTA-UBC-Puro, virus) Reference: SVRTTAP-V €0.00 (tax incl.)
Two-Vector Dox-Responsive TRE Cloning Vector (pTMUB-TRE-MCS-UBC-Blast) Reference: SVTUB-P €0.00 (tax incl.)
Two-Vector Dox-Responsive TRE Cloning Vector w/Sensor (pTMURB-TRE-MCS-I2-RFP-UBC-Blast) Reference: SVTURB-P €0.00 (tax incl.)
All-in-One Dox-Off Cloning Vector (pTMOFFB-TRE-MCS-EFS-tTA-2A-Blast) Reference: SVTTATB-P €0.00 (tax incl.)
All-in-One Dox-Off w/Sensor Cloning Vector (pTMOFFRB-TRE-MCS-I2-RFP-EFS-tTA-2A-Blast) Reference: SVTTATRB-P €0.00 (tax incl.)
All-in-One Dox-On Cloning Vector (pTMONB-TRE-MCS-EFS-rtTA-2A-Blast) Reference: SVRTTATB-P €0.00 (tax incl.)
All-in-One Dox-On w/Sensor Cloning Vector (pTMONRB-TRE-MCS-I2-RFP-EFS-rtTA-2A-Blast) Reference: SVRTTATRB-P €0.00 (tax incl.)
Dox-Responsive GFP/RFP Reporter, Control to test Dox-inducible cell line (virus) Reference: SVTACNT-V €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV-S Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV-SG-2 €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV-S Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV-SG-10 €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV-S Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV-SG-50 €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV2-S Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV2-SG-2 €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV2-S Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV2-SG-10 €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV2-S Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV2-SG-50 €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV2-S-D614G Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV2-SDGG-2 €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV2-S-D614G Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV2-SDGG-10 €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV2-S-D614G Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV2-SDGG-50 €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV2-S-B.1.1.7 (20I/501Y.V1, Alpha VI) Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV2-SDGB117G-2 €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV2-S-B.1.1.7 (20I/501Y.V1, Alpha VI) Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV2-SDGB117G-10 €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV2-S-B.1.1.7 (20I/501Y.V1, Alpha VI) Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV2-SDGB117G-50 €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV2-S-B.1.617.2 (21A/S:478K, Delta) Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV2-SDB16172G-2 €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV2-S-B.1.617.2 (21A/S:478K, Delta) Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV2-SDB16172G-10 €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV2-S-B.1.617.2 (21A/S:478K, Delta) Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV2-SDB16172G-50 €0.00 (tax incl.)
SARS-CoV2-S-B.1.351 (20H/501Y.V2, Beta V2) Pseudotyped GFP Lentivirus (titered in Cellecta HeLa-Ace2 Cells) Reference: RSCOV2-SDB1351G-2 €0.00 (tax incl.)